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Pathway Intermediates

회사소개 이미지

Pathway Intermediates is EASY BIO’s integrated brand for feed additives.

Feed additives are used to increase the efficacy of animal feed and is used in small amounts to achieve nutritional or specific purposes. Feeds made of corn or soy alone are not enough to help the producers adjust to the changes in productivity that comes with changes in the rearing environment of the animals. As such, the use of feed additives is essential. In recent years, as demand for environment-friendly or safer livestock products has grown, the development and supply of feed additives that can replace antibiotics has become a new trend as well.

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  • We deliver the value-added solution of feeding tomorrow.

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  • We strive to be the partner of choice providing pioneering, science-based ingredients designed for feeding the world tomorrow.

제조기술 이미지
Feed Additive Solution
Pathway is committed to offering the best feed additive solutions to its customers based on the most advanced bio-engineering technologies. Take a look at the various feed additive solutions offered by Pathway that help increase productivity and profitability of husbandry farmers.

We provide feed additive solutions
based on science and proven results.


In the animal industry of today, the use of feed additives in compound feed is essential. As the production of compound feed has grown, the demand for feed additive has also grown, leading to many companies around the world selling feed additives of various types.
But what should be taken into account when selecting feed additives? At the most basic level, the efficacy and safety must be considered. Animal feeds are the only substances consumed by animals. Animals that grow by eating such feed end up on the table of consumers as a main source of protein. In other words, the substance contained in animal feed eventually makes its way to the table of consumers. As such, there is an absolute need to verify the safety and efficacy of feed additives contained in the solution. Only substances that have proven to be safe and effective can be used as feed additive solutions. Whether regulations on food safety, including those concerning residues in the meat or in other animal products, must also be complied with. Serious thought must also be given to whether the feed additive solution genuinely contributes to increased productivity and economics of the animal business.
Feed additives currently being used in the animal industry has many different functions, depending on their type. Among them, perhaps the most important function is to promote the productivity of the animal and save production costs. To achieve this double goal, Pathway Intermediates has developed feed additives based on science and research trials. Pathway is committed to becoming a leading brand for scientifically proven feed additive solutions not only in South Korea but also in global markets, to further contribute to the production of high value-added animal feed and safe and clean animal products.

We aim to grow together with customers
with our high value-added feed additive solutions.


The animal industry of South Korea, despite its many restraints, has seen much progress. But since the year 2000, it has been stagnant with slow growth. As compound feeds are produced at the tune of 20 million tons a year and feed additives worth 250 million US dollars are manufactured per year, it is high time to prepare for the next stage in the industry that is in line with the changing consumption trends at home and abroad.
Pathway Intermediates is South Korea’s number one business for feed additives. It is a business that started in an attempt to provide products and services that can bring customer satisfaction across the industry that involves not only cattle, pigs and poultry, but also aquaculture and the pet industry. Enzymes, absorption accelerators, probiotics, immune accelerators and gut enhancers are some of the natural, high value-added products that are on offer by Pathway based on science. Continuous development and launches of innovative products are aimed at achieving growth together with its customers.
The feed additive solutions of Pathway have been developed and verified with the company’s in-house research capabilities and infrastructure including the Bio-Resource Institute, as well as those of its sister companies in the field of animal production, food, and veterinary medicine at home and abroad. The brand has a portfolio boasting total solution products that can address the various needs involved in livestock and poultry feed, aqua feed and pet food.


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