The company is established.
An exclusive supply contract for South Korea is signed with the U.K.-based Format Solutions for their feed formulation software.
Following the Establishment of the Company, South Korea’s First Formulation Software is Adopted.
Good animal feed strikes the right balance between nutrition and profitability. Only feed produced with optimal nutrition and at minimal cost can promote the healthy growth of animals while guaranteeing the survival of the farmers and the overall industry. But getting this balance right requires sophistication as the nutritional content and price of over hundreds of individual ingredients must be assessed, to formulate animal feed.
The animal industry in South Korea underwent rapid growth in the 1980’s but the methods and techniques of feed formulations was still lagging behind. With its establishment, EASY BIO introduced the Least Cost Formulation Program, which calculates the optimal formula of animal feed at minimal cost to the South Korean market. This program has opened an era where nutrition and profitability could both be achieved, while saving costs of 5.4 billion US dollars across the animal feed industry across South Korea. To this day, EASY BIO continues to be a leader in the market for formulation software for animal feed with an economic advantage that contribute to healthy growth of animals.
The Cheonan Plant is constructed.
The Start and Success of the Feed Additives Business
Animal feed contains all the necessary nutrients needed for growth, such as carbohydrates, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals. But as the animal industry grows and the consumer demand for environment-friendly animal products and animal welfare diversifies, the need for functional feed additives also emerged.
Feed additives are added in small amounts for nutrition or specific purposes. They increase the efficacy and economics of the feed while providing the functional biological substances to the animals to provide added value to the animal industry and animal products. EASY BIO entered and continues to engage in the feed additives business to contribute to the production of high value-added animal products that can provide the pleasure in life, as well as to the improvement of digestion of feed and immune function of the animals. The company has also adopted for the first time in Asia the use of phytase as a solution to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus excretion that pollute the environment, as well as nutritional supplements and products that promote digestion and absorption of nutrients, to become a success case in the global animal market.
The license for the inactive enzyme and fiber feed manufacturing business is acquired.
Bio-Resource Institute is established.
The Start of EASY BIO’s Research Innovation
EASY BIO established the Bio-Resource Institute, its corporate research institute in 1995 with the belief that global competitiveness in the company’s future food business lies in powerful research innovation. The institute conducts global-scale research in the field of animal productivity, improved health, environmental preservation, fermentation and microorganism engineering using its proprietary technology, and has built a model for artificial organs to provide future solutions and new substances. To become a leader in the global feed additive business, the company established a joint integrated research network with Pathway Research Centre, a basic science and molecular biology research institute of the U.K.-based Pathway Intermediates Limited, as well as with the enzyme research institute, GNC Bioferm which is a sister company of EASY BIO.
Approval is acquired for the milk replacer business.
Approval is acquired for the compound feed business.
Company name is changed from EASY System to EASY BIO SYSTEM.
A Canada-based joint venture, Esys Bioferm, Inc. is established (production of Endo-Power®)
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